Operational Hours - Hours may vary weekly so please check through online booking system for current availability.

Contact Adrenalin Forest


Email: auckland@adrenalin-forest.co.nz
Phone: 09 2360485
Address: 12 Stone Rd, Bombay, 2675


Email: wellington@adrenalin-forest.co.nz
Phone: 04 237 8553
Address: Okowai Road, Porirua


Email: christchurch@adrenalin-forest.co.nz
Phone: 03 329 8717
Address: 105 Heyders Road, Spencerville, Christchurch

Bay of Plenty

Email: bop@adrenalin-forest.co.nz
Phone: 07 929 8724
Address: TECT – All Terrain Park, Whataroa Road (off SH36), Upper Pyes Pa, Tauranga

Postal Address:
Adrenalin Forest Bay of Plenty
P.O Box 9370
Tauranga 3142