Operational Hours - Hours may vary weekly so please check through online booking system for current availability.

Adrenalin Forest Bay of Plenty



Groups of 20+ please email us to make a booking

BOOK NOW                     BUY A VOUCHER


Adult $50
New Zealand University Student (with ID) $42
Child (U18 over 1.40m, whole course) $35

Children under 16yrs have to be accompanied by and adult (18yrs).  

Please read our Conditions of Entry and Risk Disclosure and Acknowledgement documents.


Height Restrictions - Min 1.4m
Weight Restriction - Max 125kg

Hours of Operation

Summer Period (From September school holidays to end of April school holidays):
10am–2.30pm (last entry)
Varying Operating Hours - Check online booking system for availability, HERE

Winter Period (From  end of April school holidays to September school holidays):
10am–2.00pm (last entry)
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays, Check online bookings for availability on other days to save dissapointment.
Open everyday during school and public holidays.


We have 6 great courses which progress you into the trees. Starting from 1m off the ground up to 20m in the canopy. Each course has a range of various challenges that build in height and difficulty as you progress. We have bridges, Nets to cross, barrels, swings and of course the most fun of all… Flying Foxes. Set amongst beautiful pine trees and magnificent Mamaku ferns in the recreation area of the TECT – All Terrain Park. It is a great place to spend the day.


Park Map

Bay of Plenty Park Map

How to find us

The park is located in TECT All Terrain Park, on Pyes Pa Rd. This is situated just off SH36, the main road linking Tauranga and Rotorua – and is approximately a 30 minute drive from both Tauranga and Rotorua.

From Tauranga: From Barkes Corner roundabout (intersection of SH29 and SH36), head towards Rotorua. Then approximately 22km up Pyes Pa Rd (SH36), turn left onto Whataroa Rd.

From Rotorua: Traveling from Rotorua Town Centre, head North along SH5 (Ngongotaha Rd) then follow SH36 along the lake. Turn left onto Tauranga Direct Rd at the major intersection (this is still SH36 – at some point the road name will change to Pyes Pa Rd). Then take the second right out of Mangarewa Gorge, onto Whataroa Rd.



Adult $48
New Zealand University Student(with ID) $41
Child (U18 over 1.40m, whole course) $33

GoPro HD Camera Hire (per session) - $17 - Bring your own SD card or buy one onsite (micro SD class 4 or higher required).

Children under 16yrs have to be accompanied by an adult (18yrs).  Read more on our Conditions of Entry document.

How many pathways can I do?

Do as many pathways as you can within 3 hours; the maximum allowed time.

Each next pathway will be higher and harder, you go as far as you want.

Remember you can only do each pathway once.